Tuesday, 22 December 2020

What a Brexit & Covid mess the UK is in!


The Muppets in the UK government should have separated out tackling Covid from the Brexit negotiations ages ago. It looks as though Boris and his right wing Brexiteer Tories have now got into a right mess with the mutation of the Covid virus whilst they intend going right to the wire on the Brexit negotiations. The recent closing of the border with France and other countries has shown how idiotic it is to tackle both of these issues at the same time. It looks like chaos in Kent at the moment. 


The problem is you can't trust Boris & Co. Even if they made an agreement, I believe they would renege on it later on. Worse still - we have to put up with Boris for 4 more years! 

Sadly, because of the way things work in the UK there is not due to be an election for another 4 years. And even then, with the First Past the Post system we are unlikely to see a change in government. Boris has already used the Boundary Commission (made up of his Tory mates?) to gerrymander the constituencies in any future election reducing the chances of labour or Liberals getting elected. See Guardian article: UK government accused of 'power grab' over redrawing of boundaries

I believe the British government (if they can be trusted) have agreed to preserve arrangements between Northern Ireland and the Eire. Hopefully this will protect the Good Friday agreement.  Subject to this proviso I would conclude the following: 

Perhaps Boris and his mates need to be taught a lesson and for the people in the UK to understand exactly what it's like to be outside the EU and suffer from the trade and administrative barriers. The 43% of people that voted for the Conservatives need to understand what they voted for in 2019. I feel many of them now might not want the Conservative party in its present form. I also understand that recent polls have shown that the majority of people in the UK want to stay in the European Union or at least have some form of close trading partnership. A recent UK of poll published in the Financial Times shows that now the tables are turned now: 53% of the UK population wish to remain in the EU. That's a 5% change from 2016 when the population was voting on the lies put out by Boris and the Leave Campaign. Indeed, the Leave Campaign were even found guilty but the penalties were not enough to rerun the referendum. Sad.

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